Past Actions
DC Care Petition Delivery 2/28
On February 28th, 2023 we delivered 98,071 petitions to Congress to make it clear: #CareCantWait.
We were joined by care champions like Richard Lui, Ai-jen Poo, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ron Wyden, Rep Jimmy Gomez, Rep Ayanna Pressley, Rep Deb Dingell, Rep Jan Schakowsky, and many more!
The Communities of Care Installation
We staged a stunning care exhibit in Freedom Plaza in D.C. from July 13 - July 17, 2022 to celebrate care and collectively vision what a caring future looks like.
Care Can't Wait, in partnership with Caring Across Generations, NDWA, and Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network, presents Communities of Care.
Created by artist Paola Mendoza, Communities of Care illuminates the essential caregiving that takes place in our homes and communities every day, honoring caregivers, the people they care for, and the work and dedication that holds these intergenerational relationships together.
The project urges us to inspire vision into action by making a historical investment in vital home and community-based supports and services for caregivers and families so that everyone can live, care, and age with dignity.
Labor Secretary Marty Walsh and artist Paola Mendoza cut the ribbon to officially open the Communities of Care Installation.
Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, artist Paola Mendoza, and activists from Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network celebrate the opening of Communities of Care.
The Communities of Care Installation is officially open.
Executive Director of Caring Across Generations and NDWA, Ai-jen Poo, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, and artist Paola Mendoza walk through Communities of Care.
Disability activist Engracia Figueroa recreates the pose she used in one of the photos in Communities of Care.
The Communities of Care Installation: Miniature houses with photos of family caregivers, care consumers, and care workers plastered on them are placed a cross a map of the United States.